
10 大奇怪面试问题

找工作面试 最怕遇到一些难对付的老板提出一些你难以应付的问题但问题太过离奇古怪也会使新招来的员工浪费大量的培训时间和工资开支,最终会伤害到的是管理者,让管理者自食其果。这个拜六的就是你们同学们吐槽的时间
Here are 10 quirky questions job interviewers throw at applicants
According to a recent online study by Jobs Central, many companies ask quirky questions at interviewees to gauge their ability to think on their feet. Below are some of the challenging ones that Singapore employers use.
• If you were a superhero, which would you be and why?

• You have 15 minutes to tell us everything a brick can be used for.

• Give me 3 positive character traits you DON'T have.

• If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?

• How would you run the company if you are now the boss?

• If you could trade yourself with somebody, living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be?

• If you could choose any position in this company, what position would that be and why?

• If you were asked to design a mascot for the company, how would it look like?

• Name 5 adjectives to describe yourself and explain your choices.

• What brand would you like to be and why?

The online study was conducted among 396 hiring managers and HR personnel between 13 August and 14 September 2012. 


最新剧透,这个拜六的内容是一些 tips 关于 How To Improve Your English

Improving Your English

A lot of people are always asking, "How do I improve my English?" There are many possible answers, but here are just a few pieces of advice.
Be responsible for your own learning
Sure you have teachers, reading materials, and websites to help you with your English, but who is really responsible for making sure you learn English well? Nobody but you. Make sure you are the one who is taking charge of your own learning. There is a good article about the subject on the 5 Minute English website. It's at www.5minuteenglish.com/articles. Check it out.
Immerse yourself in English as much as possible
Immerse means to be surrounded by something. If you are immersed in English, it is all around you. Of course this isn't always possible, but you can do some things to surround yourself in English from time to time.
Listen to the radio in English. If there are no English radio stations where you live, listen to one on the internet.
Watch TV and movies in English. If you have English channels on your TV, watch them. If they have subtitles (the words written in your language) underneath the picture, see if they can be turned off. Some people even tape paper across the bottom of the screen so they can't see the words. Most DVD's are great because you can choose the language you want to hear.
Speak English to your friends. Get a conversation buddy (friend) and speak in English as much as possible. If it is a person whose native language is the same as your own, you may feel silly speaking in English at first. But don't worry. Continue to do it and it will become more natural to you. Finding friends whose native language is English is even better. Ask your friend to correct you when needed.
Study or travel to an English-speaking country. Of course the best way to immerse yourself in the English language is to live in an all English environment. You'll find yourself surrounded with the language everywhere you turn. It can be a more difficult and expensive choice, but you may find it to be a very valuable and helpful experience.
Other ideas. Take an English class, join an English group, find a tutor, read English magazines. Do whatever you can to immerse yourself in the language.
Monitor yourself
This means to pay attention to how you use English. Think (a little) about how you are going to say something before it comes out of your mouth. But don't think about all of the problems you have in English at the same time. Just choose something your know you are having difficulty with and work on using it correctly. For example, if you know that you have problems remembering to use a, an, and the, spend a few days trying to put them into sentences as you speak. Don't worry about anything else. Concentrate on that. When you feel that you are improving, choose something else to work on. Just keep trying and little by little, your English will get better everyday.

How To Improve Your English

  1. Remember that learning a language is a gradual process - it does not happen overnight.
  2. Define your learning objectives early: What do you want to learn and why?
  3. Make learning a habit. Try to learn something every day. It is much better to study (or read, or listen to English news, etc.) 10 minutes each day than to study for 2 hours once a week.
  4. Remember to make learning a habit! If you study each day for 10 minutes English will be constantly in your head. If you study once a week, English will not be as present in your mind.
  5. Choose your materials well. You will need reading, grammar, writing, speaking and listening materials
  6. Vary your learning routine. It is best to do different things each day to help keep the various relationships between each area active. In other words, don't just study grammar.
  7. Find friends to study and speak with. Learning English together can be very encouraging.
  8. Choose listening and reading materials that relate to what you are interested in. Being interested in the subject will make learning more enjoyable - thus more effective.
  9. Relate grammar to practical usage. Grammar by itself does not help you USE the language. You should practice what you are learning by employing it actively.
  10. Move your mouth! Understanding something doesn't mean the muscles of your mouth can produce the sounds. Practice speaking what you are learning aloud. It may seem strange, but it is very effective.
  11. Be patient with yourself. Remember learning is a process - speaking a language well takes time. It is not a computer that is either on or off!
  12. Communicate! There is nothing like communicating in English and being successful. Grammar exercises are good - having your friend on the other side of the world understand your email is fantastic!
  13. Use the Internet. The Internet is the most exciting, unlimited English resource that anyone could imagine and it is right at your finger tips.
  1. Remember that English learning is a process
  2. Be patient with yourself
  3. Practice, practice, practice


Good Friday 的由来及其它

下个拜五的公共假期英文叫“Good Friday ”,华文直译是耶稣受难日的意思,但是许多基督徒都会觉得“Good Friday”中文无法直译,如果只是根据发生的事件直接译为耶稣受难日受难日这个名称不太合适,既然是耶稣钉十字架的日子,理应看作是“Bad Friday”。又有人相信“Good”一词是从“God”变化而来,本来意思是“God’ s Friday” (神的星期五) 。还有人相信“Good”表示由耶稣殉教带来的拯救对世人来说是上好的馈赠。耶稣受难日是纪念耶稣生命最重大的日子,三日后他将复活永生。基督徒们一般在复活节前的星期四准备立圣餐日纪念耶稣与门徒进最后的晚餐,在星期五受难日诵经祈纪念耶稣为世人的罪被钉十字架而死,复活节在星期日才告结束。对此有兴趣的同学我推荐你们下载观看由Mel Gibson导演的《The Passion of The Christ》,中文译名《耶稣受难记》影片真实地记录了从基督耶稣在橄榄山上祷告开始一直到最后被钉死在十字架上的12小时全部过程,其间穿插最后的晚餐以及先前传道等场景,看的时候数度潸然,泪眼模糊,非一般震撼。人物对白均用圣经中的原话,曾听我们的老师Mr. Kevin讲过,《圣经》是西方国家的历史,社会和文化的集中体现,《圣经》中的一些语言早已渗透到了英语国家的日常生活当中,了解这些语言,将有助于我们更好的与人交流,也会有助于我们更好的理解英美文学作,随手拈来几句试试
  a wolf in sheep's clothing批着羊皮的狼;貌善心恶的人
Eye for eye,tooth for tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙以其人之道还治其人之
The leopard cannot change his spots. 江山易改,本性难移
the love of money is the root of all evil. 爱财为万恶之源
水桶的一滴 drop in the bucket 比喻沧海一粟九牛一毛
It is better to give than to take. 给予胜于索取
打空气 beating the air 比喻白费力气
耳朵发痒 having itching ears 比喻喜欢听新鲜事情
伊甸园 Garden of Eden 比喻人间乐土
自己眼中的梁木 A Beam in one’s eye 比喻自身存在的严重缺陷
把房子盖在沙土上 built the house upon the Sand 比喻基础不牢固
犹大之吻 Judas’ Kiss 比喻可耻的叛卖、变节行为
拦路狮子 lion in the way 比喻想象中的危险或障碍
狗所吐的他转过来又吃 dog returns to the vomit)比喻恶习不改,本性难移
按外貌待人 respect of person )比喻以貌取人或嫌贫爱富 待人接物不公正
背起他的十字架 bear one’s cross 比喻忍受苦
Better is a neighbor that is near than a brother far off,远亲不如近邻。
The Salt of the Earth社会中坚,民族精华, 字面意思"世上的盐"耶稣对他的门徒说:"Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? "他把门徒比做"世上的盐",这是极高的称赞。这句话在后世不断引用变成了一个典故性成语You all are the salt of the earth. Our hope is placed on you
Wisdom is a defense. 智慧庇护人.
Truth will make you free. 真理会让你们得到自由。
No lie is of the truth. 没有谣言出自真理。
A good name is better than riches.美名胜过财富。
No man can serve two masters.一仆难事二主。
Love one's neighbor as oneself.爱人如己。
It is more blessed to give than to receive.施与比索取更有福。
The water wears away stone. 水滴石穿。
The spirit is willing but the fresh is weak.心有余力不足。
Let the dead bury their own dead.既往不咎。
A little fire can kindle the forest.星星之火,可以燎原。
Treat others the way you would like to be treated.已所不欲,勿施于人。


Bintan Island 2D1N staff trip of ASTA School

In order to celebrate the coming CNY, ASTA School orginazed a 2D1N Bintan Island trip for staff.

When we got off from the shuttle bus of Nirwana Garden Resort, the hotel staffs performed traditional dance to welcome us.

The nice receptionist allowed us early checked in the Mayang Sari Resort.

It was raining when we arrived, but it didn't affect our interests to look for the chalets.

Each chalet is named after animal, our rooms are named as series of Dolphin.


Took the privite car to Banyan Restaurant for our first lunch. It is located on top of the cliff which have nice view and high class food.


Wrote by Katrina Shen